Sagittarius/Gemini~ axis

Future-minded Sagittarius and inquisitive Gemini share the mutable mode of expression, a natural adaptation to adjust, assimilate, and share.

Fiery Sagittarius thrusts into explorations of the wider-world, while curiously chatty Gemini finds connections in the personal environment of community.

Jupiter/Sagittarius is the archetypal Teacher, an optimistic interpreter of ancient knowledge, philosophies, orders & laws that weave an interconnection of humanity through greater society’s higher ideals.

Mercury/Gemini is the archetypal Messenger, a witty and clever transmitter of energetic communicative perception conducting connections with an urge to know, share facts, reason, and information.

Does your need to know interfere with listening to your own inner guidance?

What practices quiet your Monkey Mind experience of thinking too much?

Is it easy to express your beliefs or newfound ideas without fear of judgement?

Who or what supports your exploration of thinking outside the box and sharing those ideas with a larger audience? 

Do you write your own stories? Does life write them for you? 

Written By: Corey Gilbert~ Astrological Counselor/Mentor