Virgo~ Service

by Corey Gilbert

Dutiful Virgo quietly discerns effective earth-bound details for the betterment of highest order, a call to self-improvement and humble service to personal human dilemmas.

Self-effacing and committed, this interpersonal earth sign embodies adaptability and tenacious devotion to refinement of the self, and in benefit of helpfulness to others.

Analytical and studious by nature, Virgo is the meticulously discerning perfectionist, a perpetual student mining tangible results cloaked as the archetypal Servant to assist in sharing order, integration, and wholeness.

Constructive appraisal of all details propel Virgo’s understanding of key facets of the greater Whole, a lifetime of dutiful usefulness and virtuous actualization.

Written By: Corey Gilbert~ Astrological Counselor/Mentor